Welcome to the Department of Personnel Management and Qualification
Two main fields of research and teaching activities are in the focus of the department:
- Organization of quality-oriented human resource management and
- human resource management between further education and development of competencies.
Starting point for the first subject area are the following leading questions:
- In how far does the Personnelmanagement (PM) contribute to a integral process orientated quality management (QM)?
- What demands result from current approaches of quality management (QM)for the quality of the internal service „Personnelmanagement“
The following aspects are focused: the connection between QM and PM, the field of services and Total Quality Management-concepts. Contents of this teaching field are: continual improvement process (CIP), the Toyota-principle, Six Sigma, Business Excellence, Multisource Feedback: basis for QM, controlling quality by personnel selection, evaluation difficulty and quality management.
The second subject area focuses on:
- The connection between individual further education and development of competencies on organizational level
Objectives of the thematics: personnel development in the vocational environment, controlling problematics and organizational embedding; contents of the module: phase models for the development of competencies, development: leadership, self-regulation and media competence, possibilities/limits of learning in the process of work and development of competencies and organizational learning.
The research orientated teaching and learning programm claims to support the participants during the transfer of their newly earned competencies. Examples for such transfer projects: executive-feedback as a possibility at THS Ltd (housing company), quality management culture at Senator Ltd, innovation management at 3M, strength orientated leading concepts at EWIBO and excellence initiative in sales at Interhydraulik Ltd.